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Roger That

GTDyne Musiq

Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, Visionary, Hip Hop Artist, GTDyne has a heart for inspiring others through music and enterprise. As the visionary of Humble Kingz, GT seeks to bring awareness to the things Christians deal with as leaders in the public eye while bringing further awareness to the great music that they create.

  • GTDyne - Facebook
  • GTDyne - Instagram
  • GTDyne - Reverbnation

T. Barlow

Christian, Husband, Father, preacher of gospel through both the pulpit and song, T Barlow has a passion for relaying the truth to the people as outlined in scripture.

  • T Barlow - Facebook
  • T Barlow - Instagram
  • T Barlow - Twitter
  • T Barlow - YouTube

Ryan Martinez

Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, Visionary, Hip Hop Artist, GTDyne has a heart for inspiring others through music and enterprise. As the visionary of Humble Kingz, GT seeks to bring awareness to the things Christians deal with as leaders in the public eye while bringing further awareness to the great music that they create.

  • Ryan Martinez - Facebook
  • Ryan Martinez - Instagram
  • Ryan Martinez - Twitter
  • Ryan Martinez - YouTube

Roger That

Roger Hester Junior aka Roger That was born in West Covina California. That is where his roots are and that is where he gets his WestCoast sound from. He grew up hearing about God but didn't know who he was till age 16 when one church service changed his life forever so he decided to live for Jesus and give him everything. Every since then he has been living to make a difference for Jesus who has forever changed and impacted his life.

  • Roger That - Facebook
  • Roger That - Twitch
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